Thursday, September 2, 2010

Promise and Potential

Here we are at the Labour Day long weekend.  First day of school is just days away, and for the first time in more years than I can remember, I will be joining the kids on their new school year journey.

It feels just like it did when I was a kid - the excitement of a brand new beginning and brand new books.  Shopping for new pencils, erasers, and pens and hoping for a new school satchel (backpack these days).  And for those of you who went to school in South Africa - the buying of new school uniforms and shoes.   Best of all, the promise of new horizons in a higher 'standard' (read 'grade' as it is now called).  I always loved the quest to conquer the information for that year, always curious about 'what next? ....except when it came to math which I hated with a passion. 

Math negativity stemmed from my year in Miss Hall's Grade 2 class - she had grey hair rolled into an austere bun, long dark skirts, eyes that squinted and stabbed at you like daggers, a tongue that lashed out when you deviated just the least from her expectations and a voice that could cut a swathe and lay desks out in a swoon.  She marched down the aisles between us, drumming her ruler on the palm of her hand to a rhythmic metronome beat, whilst barking out multiplication tables and pointing to random sacrificial lambs who had to respond within 2 seconds.  She got me every time - I was so nervous I could never answer quickly enough and so had to endure the punishment of putting out my hand and having it smacked by her ruler - oh how I hated math!

2010, however, brings with it much more charm and pleasantaries.  I am armed with a new computer, new assessment forms and a whole new list of children to serve.   I have my pens, and pencils and notebooks at the ready.  I am armed for the next 10 months - let the battle begin!

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