Monday, January 18, 2010

Buzz, buzz.

We have taken our first stroll around a couple of very Canadian stores and then into Chapters - the biggest bookstore chain in Canada. How different from Doha, where Virgin may have provided two shelves of English books and Jarir not much more. I loved being amongst the books again, wandering the aisles for at least an hour, drinking in my fill after a long, dry drought. Picking up brand new novels, reading the back cover and moving on to the next - could have spent all day there. So many books, so many to choose from.  And only bought a few - I am cutting back on my addiction.

Not much to do here in Burlington that we haven't done before - nothing exotic, nothing daring - not like the expat wife life at all - I can see I am going to be bored out of my tree before long - work will probably be a bit of an escape.  So in the very near future I will have to start applying for jobs, doing the interview thing, waiting, and worrying about whether I am acceptable or not.  Although, have to say that husband is treading very lightly around me and has not mentioned the dreaded 'when will you go for an interview' sentence yet.  It's all enough to make me want to run right back to my little old peaceful life in Doha. 

There is always so much to do: fix this, clean that, go here, go there...and there is a never ending 'honey do' list to be completed. Never mind all the other buzz going on around us.  Even watching the news now matters - because they are making announcements about your own world - interest rates up, taxes up, politicians barking from left and right.  Demands from the world out there are making themselves known.

I am still revelling in the all the silence around me - no-one at home, everyone working like busy, productive bees out there and here is little old me... hibernating at the bottom of the beehive hoping no-one will notice one less worker bee.

I will have to make an effort to hop back on the world - can't have it turning without me!

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